Windblown release date

Windblown Release Date: Hyperactive Roguelike

Dead Cells dipped in sugar.

Motion Twin, the creative minds behind the critically acclaimed Dead Cells, have unleashed their latest creation upon the gaming world – Windblown. Unveiled during the pre-show of the Video Game Awards, this roguelike game promises an exhilarating experience reminiscent of its predecessor. Lets dive into Motion Twin’s newest creation, what is Windblown and when is the Windblown release date?

Windblown formula

Release Date of Windblown

Windblown is scheduled to hit Steam Early Access in 2024. The game adopts a release strategy akin to Hades 2, with a minimum of one year in Early Access.

Windblown Steam Early Access will start in 2024.

Initially, it will be one of the PC exclusive games of the year. Motion Twin emphasizes player involvement, stating, “The current Early Access version includes 5 biomes and 4 main weapons, fully playable with 1, 2, or 3 players. We’ll expand based on your feedback throughout Early Access.” A Windblown release date for other platforms is not known yet.

If you’ve traversed the challenging landscapes of Dead Cells, Windblown’s frenetic energy won’t catch you off guard. Motion Twin describes it as “Dead Cells’ hyperactive sibling, spinning in a 3D sugar rush.” Set on The Ark, inhabited by anthropomorphic warriors called Leapers, players navigate an orbit around a perilous Vortex. Here, they engage in fierce battles against Sentinel minions. Swapping weapons seamlessly in a combat system that is both tough and fair.

Windblown gameplay

About Motion Twin

Established in 2001 and headquartered in Bordeaux, France, Motion Twin operates as an anarcho-syndicalist workers cooperative, embodying equal salary and decision-making power among its 8-10 members. Boasting a 23-year journey, their breakout success, Dead Cells, propelled them to new heights. In 2019, the team, committed to staying small, formed Evil Empire to continue Dead Cells’ development. Simultaneously, the core Motion Twin developers embarked on Windblown, their next ambitious venture.

Windblown steam release

Windblown emerges as a testament to Motion Twin’s enduring passion and commitment to delivering innovative and challenging gaming experiences. Check out the upcoming games of 2024.