First Descendant Release Date

First Descendant Release Date: Loot & Shoot

Nexon’s latest free-to-play game.

Amidst the flurry of game announcements at the Video Game Awards 2023, one title stood out – The First Descendant. Developed by the renowned South Korean studio Nexon, celebrated for Maplestory, this upcoming release has already generated a buzz since its open beta in September 2023. As we await the First Descendant release date, let’s delve into the details. What makes The First Descendant a promising addition to the world of cooperative action RPG shooters.

First Descendant Formula

Release Date of First Descendant

We do not have an exact First Descendant release date. But we do have a release window. The First Descendant is hitting the virtual shelves in the summer of 2024. The initial open beta, held from September 19th to 25th, 2023, received positive feedback.

The First Descendant is going to be released in Summer 2024.

However, rather than rushing the release, Nexon is diligently working to refine the game further. The First Descendant is an Unreal Engine 5 game. It will be available on PC, PS4/5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Here are other upcoming games of 2024.

At its core, The First Descendant is a cooperative action RPG shooter. It is nviting players into a captivating world of intense gunplay and strategic looting. With a focus on collaborative gameplay, it supports 4-player co-op, allowing gamers to team up and face the challenges together. While offering a diverse array of unique characters. Players can customize their chosen Descendant with three guns, four secondary accessories, and various sub-weapons. The game’s emphasis on epic boss fights adds an extra layer of excitement, promising thrilling encounters for players.

The First Descendant is a free-to-play game. Nexon’s decision to adopt this model is no surprise.

First Descendant Boss

Story of The First Descendant

As a player, you step into the shoes of a Descendant. You are tasked with defending Earth against an alien invasion by the enigmatic Vulgus. This extraterrestrial force breached our dimension a century ago, leaving destruction in its wake. Castles crumbled, and humans became sacrificial pawns or subjects for grotesque experiments. The emergence of colossal beings, known as Colossuses, only exacerbated the devastation.

The remnants of humanity sought refuge in Albion, gathering their strength for a final stand against the impending doom. Your mission, as the player, is to fight for the survival of humanity. To protect the Ingris Continent from the relentless onslaught of Vulgus. The narrative promises depth and intrigue, with a “final Descendant secret” waiting to be unveiled. The stakes are high, and the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of the Descendants.

First Descendant Classes


As we gear up to explore the Ingris Continent, face colossal foes, and unveil the secrets of the final Descendant, The First Descendant stands out as a promising entry. So, get readym assemble your team. The First Descendant release date is coming.